Exploring Organizational Social Capital in Dynamic Ego Networks

Image credit: Research Week


In this presentation, we address challenges in measuring organisational social capital, crucial for coordination and cooperation. we explore advancements in social network analysis and data analytics to overcome biases in subjective methods. The proposed approach uilizes novel statistics for continuous monitoring, demonestrated efficiently with real-wrold datasets. By refining social capital measurement, it provides deeper insights into organisational dynamics, informing targeted interventions for social capital development within organizations.

Sep 12, 2023 1:00 PM — Sep 13, 2023 3:00 PM
International Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ICISE2023)
Hybrid Conference
Azadi square, Mashhad, IRAN
Arya Karami
Arya Karami
Researcher of Machine Learning

My research interests include Statistical Network Modeling, Stochastic Processes, Bayesian Inference, Neural Networks.